Inference Activity Solve This Mystery - Back to School Team Building Digital

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Inference Activity Solve This Mystery - Back to School Team Building Digital: This engaging digital back to school video team-building activity will allow your students work together to solve a real-life mystery about a buried ship in the middle of Downtown San Francisco! Students must infer how the ship ended up there with the included digital resources. Start the lesson by hooking students in with a hand-drawn video, created by the talented John Spencer, that introduces the backstory and prepares them to solve the inference mystery!

This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education.


This is included in our popular team-building bundle:
>>> Back to School Videos & Assignments Digital Bundle


How This Digital Back to School Mystery Inference Activity Works:

  • Students watch a hand-drawn video that introduces the activity to students. This video is highly engaging and will hook your students immediately. Watch the video preview on the product page to get a sneak peek.
  • Use the eye-catching Google Slides presentation to introduce the activity in more detail to your class and guide you through each element of the lesson and activity.
  • Use the digital instructions, graphic organizers, checklists, instructional slides, and teacher rubric to implement the icebreaker team building icebreaker activity.


What's Included in This Digital Back to School Inference Activity:

➡️ Introductory Video: Use this highly engaging hand-drawn video to introduce the mystery to students. The video explains the true story of a construction crew who find a buried ship underground in the middle of San Francisco! Students will be tasked with theorizing and inferring why it was there.

➡️ Teacher instructions: Use the detailed teacher instructions to guide you in successfully using this back to school inference mystery activity! You'll feel totally confident implementing the lesson with these instructions.

➡️ Teacher Presentation: A Google Slides presentation is included to guide you through all elements of the lesson and activity. The slides also reveal the true story of how the ship ended up there.

➡️ Buried Ship Mystery Student Informational Slide: Distribute this handout to students after they watch the video. The handout includes all the information from the video, so they can reference the story while they complete the inference activity.

➡️ Inferring Digital Brainstorming Slide: Students will work in groups to complete this brainstorming slide with prompts to help them infer information and theorize why the ship ended up there.

➡️ Our Final Theory Digital Graphic Organizer: Finally, students will make a final theory about why the ship was buried there with reasoning and evidence to support their findings.


What Teachers Are Saying About This Back to School Inference Activity:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This created much discussion with my students. They had some imaginative ideas about how the ship came to be buried in downtown San Francisco. Students needed to work collaboratively and use inquiry skills. I will definitely be using this next year.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We loved this team building and critical thinking activity! The kids were engaged and it's something they continue to talk about!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students really enjoyed digging into the mystery. They really took advantage of the anything goes approach to solving the mystery and came up with some wacky solutions. I used this as a team building activity to also reintroduce us back into the classroom and it worked like a charm.


If you like this, you'll love our inference mysteries!
>>> Reading Mysteries Program


© Presto Plans © John Spencer


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The videos and resources in this resource are for single-classroom use and are not to be uploaded to the Internet in any format without permission from the creators. Please contact if you require more information.