Character Analysis Digital Assignments Social Media Characterization Activities

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Character Analysis Digital Assignments Social Media Characterization Activities: Take your character analysis to the next level with these dynamic digital assignments! Instead of the typical character analysis, engage your students' creativity by having them explore character traits through the lens of social media. This resource offers a refreshing approach to character analysis, applicable to any fiction reading. 

This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education.


Included In These Social Media Character Analysis Digital Assignments:

➡️ Character Hashtags: Students will create a social media profile for the character by inserting a picture of them, writing an introductory profile, and sharing posts that reveal the main character's thoughts at various times in the reading. Students will use relevant hashtags at the end of the update that connects to the reading.

➡️ Character Internet Search: Students will fill in an internet search engine with three websites that a character from the novel or short story would visit with text evidence to support the choices.

➡️ Character Online Images: Students create a social media page of images that represent the character. The students will put themselves in the shoes of the character and consider what images they would share. Under each photo, students will explain why the character would share this image.

➡️ Character Hidden Chat: Students write two secret chat conversations between the character and someone else that they would want to disappear after being sent. The conversations should reflect moments the character wouldn’t want others to see, revealing their hidden thoughts, feelings, or plans.

➡️ Character Profile: Students will create an online social media character profile by inserting a picture of the character, writing a description of them, choosing a main status update, and having other characters write to them.


What Teachers Are Saying About These Technology Character Analysis Assignments:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love that there is explicit instructions for each page and what a great way to hook students. I cannot wait to use these with my students!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really appreciate these character analysis assignments. They are very creative and useful for the technological world we live in.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Love the resource and can't wait to use it with my EFL students. Really like how it encourages them to take the stories further and to reflect critically upon what they have read! Thank you so much for putting so much effort into your material and for sharing it with us.


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