Back to School Activities and Assignments - First Days of School Digital Bundle
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Back to School Activities and Assignments - First Days of School Digital Bundle: Use any of these 15 digital back to school activities and assignments during your first days back to school to help build classroom community and develop relationships. The digital assignments or activities allow students to set goals, form relationships, learn about each other, and have fun! Some of the digital assignments are meant to be completed independently, while others are interactive and have students work in pairs or small groups or even circulate the classroom to interact with multiple classmates. You will learn so much about your students with these digital back to school activities!
This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education.
What Teachers Are Saying About This Back To School Activities Bundle:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For multiple years, I have started off the year with back to school activities, but I wasn't always happy with the activities. This year I selected a couple of the activities from this bundle and felt this year was the best so far. Thanks!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students enjoyed completing these the first week of school and I enjoyed getting to know my kids. I was also able to gauge their starting levels academically to a certain degree by how they answered the questions.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I love quick and easy start up activities. They are creative and engaging...perfect for my grade 6 group this year.
Included In The Back To School Digital Activities and Assignments Bundle:
➡️ Back To School Human Bingo: Students circulate the room and find classmates who fit into the categories listed on the bingo card and type their name in the provide squares. Their goal is to fill up a line either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Once they have filled up a line, yell, “BINGO!” and have a seat.
➡️ Alphabet Introductions: This alphabet introduction icebreaker has students think of words that begin with each of the provided letters that relate to them in some way. When you are doing attendance, have each student share a few of the most important words from their list with the class, or have them share with a partner.
➡️ Would You Rather...: The activity has students work in pairs to discuss "Would you rather" questions with a partner! Each person must select which they would personally prefer and explain their reasoning to their partner and move the circle shape onto their choice. This is a low-stress, fun first days activity to get students comfortable in the classroom.
➡️ Lost Student Digital Wanted Poster: The assignment has students create their own "Wanted Poster" in case they happen to go missing at any point during the year. This poster is meant to be a fun and silly way to provide information about the student that will help classmates and teachers with the hunt! Students insert a picture of themselves and share other information (a description, known hangouts, personality traits, known associates, interests, and more!)
➡️ Last Year Flashback Goal Setting: The assignment has students respond to the prompts based on what they remember from the last school year and they use this information to set goals and make a plan for improvements. You can check back in with students after a few weeks or months to see the progress they are making on their goals.
➡️ Back to School Internet History: Your Internet browsing history reveals a lot about your personality. This assignment has students write down the top 3 websites or Google searches that they might make to reveal information about their interests. Students explain why you like these sites or how these searches relate to them personally!
➡️ Get To Know Me Cake Layers: The assignment tells students that just like a tiered cake, their personality is made up of many layers! Using the metaphor of a tiered cake, students will delve into various aspects of themselves, responding to engaging prompts that unveil different "layers" of their identity.
➡️ Summer Snapshots: Students choose two memorable moments from their summer, insert pictures of the event, and describe each event explaining why it is such a lasting memory in their mind. When they are completed, have students share their choices with the rest of the class!
➡️ Hello My Name Is...: In this 'Hello, My Name is..." activity, students circulate the room and talk to at least 4 different classmates. The goal of the discussion is for students to learn something interesting about the person, so they need to ask a lot of questions. Students type in the names of those they chatted with and what they learned about them. During attendance, when one of these names is called, students should be prepared to share something that they learned about the classmates they spoke to.
➡️ Back To School Hashtags: The purpose of this activity is for students to share information about themselves based on hashtag categories. In the spaces provided, students type in five social media updates that relate to each of the specific hashtags and how these to them.
➡️ Discussion Roll: Pair your students up with a classmate and have them roll an online die to determine which question they should discuss. Students spend at least 3-4 minutes discussing the question, then roll again for the next question. Once they are done, each person writes down some things they learned about their partner and shares it with the rest of the class.
➡️ Classmate Interview: Pair your students up with a classmate and have them complete an interview asking their partner 4 questions. During the interview, students type notes, and when it is time to take attendance, each partner shares what they learned about each other!
➡️ Class Rules: My Thoughts: the assignment asks students to share their thoughts on rules and procedures for handling incomplete or late work, class discussions, attendance, lateness, school and personal property, and other general rules.
➡️ My Top 5 Lists: In this activity, students create "Top 5 Lists" for 4 different categories that allow them to share information about themselves!
➡️ A Letter to Future Me: In this two-slide assignment, students will write a letter to themselves at the end of the school year. On the last day of classes, give students their letter to read to see how much they have changed.
What Teachers Are Saying About This Back To School Activities Bundle:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ By intermediate grades, back to school activities are predictable for students. This was great for a change up and surprise. Especially the hashtag and internet history activities.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was able to choose what I needed to get the school year started off right. Thank you so much.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Used a few of these back to school activities today on our first day back! can't wait to use another couple throughout the week! Thanks for a great product.
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