A Wrinkle in Time Activity Bundle - Creative Activities and Novel Assignments

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Bring A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle to life with these fun and creative 15 classroom activities and assignments that your students will love.


14 Ready-to-use, interactive activities or assignments to bring your A Wrinkle in Time unit to life. Students will absolutely love these activities!

Famous First Lines Pre-Reading Activity: A Wrinkle in Time has a classic first line, "It was a dark and stormy night." Students will examine famous first lines in a variety of texts and consider how the first line of a novel can reveal more than they would think!


A Wrinkle in Time Mind Reader Activity: In this activity, students will empathize with Meg not understanding how Charles has supernatural abilities. You'll trick your students into believing one of your students is a mind-reader in this highly engaging activity by getting one of your students in on the trick!


Changing Education Paradigms Activity: In chapter three, Meg helps Calvin with his homework and shares her frustrations with the education system. Students will use this activity to think critically about their own education and the system they are currently in by watching a video and responding to important quotes from it. They will also work in groups to consider what changes the education system could make.


A Wrinkle in Time Social Media Allusions: This activity will help students better understand the allusions to famous people made in chapter 5 by creating a social media page for one of them. They will also learn about more modern and diverse change-makers by doing some external research and creating a social media page for that person.


Building a Paper or Pipe Cleaner Tesseract: In A Wrinkle in Time the characters are able to travel to a different dimension by tessering. A tesseract is a cube in four-dimensional space. Have your students build their own tesseract with this hands-on activity (two options provided).


Greetings from Camazotz Manual & Postcard: In chapter 6, Charles quotes from the manual for the planet of Camazotz. Students will create one page of the manual and also send a post card home from the planet!


The Happy Medium Crystal Ball Assignment: 
Students imagine that The Happy Medium is able to see their future in her crystal ball. They will draw and write about what that future looks like.


A Wrinkle in Time Awareness Campaign: 
The Happy Medium does not want to look at Earth because she doesn’t want to look at unpleasant things when there are so many positive things to look at. Mrs. Which responds by saying, “There will no longer be so many pleasant things to look at if responsible people do not do something about the unpleasant ones.” Students will create an awareness campaign to make a change in their world.


Wrinkled Writing: In chapter 7, the children enjoy a beautiful turkey dinner, and L’Engle uses descriptive language and imagery to describe some of the food. Students will do the same using the "wrinkled writing" method where one student starts the writing focussing on one sense. Then, they crumple the paper into a ball (wrinkling it) and tesser it to the front of the room! Then, another student picks it up and continues with the next sense. Detailed instructions are provided in the purchase.


Individuality Quilt: In chapter 9, Charles discusses how there is equality on Camazotz because everybody is exactly alike. Meg realizes in this statement that like and equal are not the same things at all. She realizes that differences are important and that equality is celebrating those differences. Students will celebrate their own differences by creating an image and written square to contribute to a classroom paper quilt!


Describing Color Activity: In chapter 11, Meg attempts to describe light to Aunt Beast, but she finds it challenging because sight does not exist on this planet. Students will imagine that they live in a black and white world and are the ONLY person who can see color. They will try to describe the primary colors to try to get their fellow citizens to understand.


Writing a Sonnet: In chapter 12, Mrs. Whatsit explains the importance of individual freedom by saying that life is like a sonnet. Students will have a chance to write their own sonnet in this fun writing activity!


Creating a New Planet Project: Students will imagine that instead of going immediately back to Earth, the characters accidentally tesser to one more planet. They will be responsible for designing and creating this planet from scratch!


Movie Novel Comparison: Students will find differences between the film version and the written version of the novel.


Essay Topics & Graphic Organizers: Students will write a formal essay with the provided topics and organizers.

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