Persuasive Essay Writing - Presentation, Outline, and Topics - Argument Writing

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Persuasive Essay Writing - Presentation, Outline, and Topics - Argument Writing: Enhance your students' persuasive writing skills with our comprehensive resource on argument essay writing. Whether you're introducing persuasive writing or reinforcing existing skills, this resource offers a structured and thorough approach to help students excel in writing compelling and effective persuasive essays. This resource provides a detailed presentation guiding you through the entire lesson, an essay planning outline, persuasive essay topics, and a self-assessment checklist to improve persuasive argumentative writing.

Included in This Persuasive Essay Writing Bundle:

➡️ Persuasive Essay Writing Presentation: Explore the art of persuasive writing with this 31-slide PowerPoint presentation. The slides cover essential aspects, from the definition of persuasive writing to real-life examples, choosing topics, understanding audience and purpose, research techniques, persuasive language, essay structure, counterclaims, and the application of logos, ethos, and pathos. This presentation provides a comprehensive guide for students to grasp the nuances of persuasive writing.

➡️ Persuasive Essay Writing Topics: Spark creativity and engagement with a curated list of high-interest topics specifically tailored for middle and high school students. This resource serves as a springboard for students to choose a topic for their persuasive essays.

➡️ Persuasive Essay Writing Outline: Simplify the planning process with an easy-to-use outline graphic organizer that helps students structure their persuasive writing effectively. From capturing attention with a hook to crafting a compelling thesis, building a persuasive body, and concluding with impact, this outline streamlines the writing process.

➡️ Persuasive Essay Writing Self-Assessment Checklist: Foster student reflection and self-evaluation with a post-writing self-assessment checklist. This tool empowers students to review their work, ensuring they've incorporated key persuasive elements and met their writing goals.

➡️ Persuasive Essay Writing Teacher Rubric: This ready-to-print essay rubric will allow you to grade student essays quickly and easily. The rubric focuses on the introduction, body, conclusion, and conventions.

What Teachers Are Saying About This Persuasive Essay Writing Bundle:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ As usual, another great resource from Presto Plans. Both my students and myself appreciate the guided nature of your resources. I like that you included the counterargument in your outline, as I sometimes include it and sometimes don't, depending on the kids.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Very helpful product! Your resources are always well-organized and teacher friendly, with very little confusion on how to utilize in the classroom.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I used this with my sophomores and they absolutely loved it. It was an awesome way to introduce the topic of persuasive writing and gave them pointers (for instance, don't refer to yourself in formal writing, etc.) that really helped them. 

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