Interviews Presentation - Career or Job Application and Mock Interview Activity

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Interviews Presentation - Career or Job Application and Mock Interview Activity: Provide students with essential skills for job interviews with this ready-to-use lesson and activity. Designed to prepare teenagers for the reality of seeking jobs, these resources provide comprehensive information to ensure they approach their first job interviews with confidence. From understanding the application process to participating in a mock interview activity, students will gain valuable insights and practical experience.

Included in This Interview and Job Application Mock Interview Activity Resource:

➡️ Job Interviews Presentation Slides: Use this 29-slide PowerPoint presentation to guide students through the process of understanding how to successfully interview for a job. The presentation includes discussion questions and information on where to look for jobs, the application process, tips for successfully interviewing, common mistakes to avoid, answering behavior-based questions, and tough questions. The slides will be enlightening to students as they often do not realize the implicit standards of job interviews. This makes for a great career readiness lesson||

➡️ Job Interview Questions: Have students complete a mock interview with a classmate and put what they learn into practice with these 15 interview questions. This has been very successful in my classroom and the students always leave feeling more prepared to begin the job hunt.

➡️ Sample Application Form Assignment: Have students practice filling out a job application with this sample generic application form that students can fill out with their own personal information.

What Teachers Are Saying About This Interview and Job Application Mock Interview Activity Resource:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ At the end of our first week of Money Management, the students had to apply for their career/job. This helped the students apply and do peer interviews.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I wanted to help my seniors be more prepared for life after high school. Not all in this class go to college. This was perfect. It had all the information I wanted, and I combined it with a resume/cover letter unit. I had them do mock job interviews with me and another teacher, and they didn't realize how intimidating job interviews can be! They all felt better for having had the experience.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This will be a great accompaniment to the unit we do for our seniors. They do a paper on the elements of their future plans (educational requirements, financial needs and rewards, etc.), and a job shadowing activity. This will be a great way to enhance their experience.

Pair this with a nonfiction article and assignment:
>>> Finding Your Dream Job

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