Exit Tickets for Any Subject - Digital Comprehension Exit Slips or Exit Passes

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Exit Tickets for Any Subject - Digital Comprehension Exit Slips or Exit Passes: Exit passes are an effective type of formative assessment as they give you a quick "snapshot" of what the students have understood at the end of your class. This resource includes 14 unique and creative digital exit slips your students will love. Ten of the exit tickets can be used with any subject area, while four are subject-specific to Math, English, Science, and History.

This is a digital resource, and students complete all the work on the computer. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or online education.


Included in This Digital Exit Slips Resource:

➡️ Online Search Digital Exit Pass: In the style of a web browser, students will type a question or a statement in the search bar that relates to the lesson. Then, they will share what they have learned about the statement or question in the “search results” section.

➡️ Quick Check For Understanding: Students will use this digital exit pass to share three facts they learned and two questions they still have from the lesson.

➡️ Give Me A . And A ?: Students must complete two sections with this digital exit ticket. The first is to type a question about what they have learned and the other is to type a statement about what they have learned.

➡️ Digital Exit Ticket Out of Class: In the design style of a digital golden ticket, students must share what they learned in class before they can leave.

➡️ Classbook Digital Exit Messages: These digital exit tickets are in the style of a social media post where students must share what they have learned.

➡️ Show What You Know: This digital exit ticket includes a space where students must type a question you provide at the end of the class and space to share their answer.

➡️ Red Yellow Green Digital Exit Pass: In the red section of this digital exit pass students type something they don't understand. In the yellow section, they type something they still have questions about. Finally, in the green section, they share something they totally understand.

➡️ Speak Your Mind Digital Exit Passes: Students share something they didn't know, a question they still have, something they would like to know more about, and something interesting from the lesson on this digital exit ticket.

➡️ Digital Exit Pass Parking: In the style of a car, students will type what they learned in the lesson. A "parking lot" digital template is provided where students "park" their exit ticket.

➡️ Hashtags About Today's Lesson: In the style of a social media post, students will share their handle (@name) a digital post about what they learned, and relevant hashtags.

➡️ Subject-Specific Digital Exit Tickets: Each of these digital exit tickets are specific to popular subjects taught in middle and high. Included are digital exit slips for English, history, science, and math. Each of the digital exit passes says "What We Learned in +Subject Today"


What Teachers Are Saying About These Exit Tickets:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is one of the best resources on TPT in my opinion! I used these a lot in my classroom. I like that there were different sizes and choices to use. You get a lot of information from these as a teacher!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ One of the best resources I've used this year. Thanks for sharing!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ LOVE THESE!!! Without a doubt a must have for every teacher and some of the best money I have spent on TPT. Can't wait to use them this year!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ These exit cards are great. My students love them. I don't use exit cards everyday, but it is so nice to have different templates to choose from when I do use them. Your products are always of extremely high quality!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really like your materials. They are trendy for kids and they are purposeful. The exit tickets fit that description. I like to use exit tickets but I like to mix up the way I do them so it keeps the kids guessing as to how I will present them and ask them for what they know. Thanks! Keep making materials that are current for the interest of today's kids.


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