Creative Writing Assignment - Song Lyrics Soundtrack of My Life - Video Intro

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Creative Writing Assignment - Song Lyrics Soundtrack of My Life - Video Intro: Use this engaging back to school video writing assignment as a way to learn more about your students through music while also helping to improve their writing. In this assignment, students will create a mix-tape for their lives by choosing ten songs that they connect with or that represent them. The best part is that your purchase comes with a hand-drawn video, created by the talented John Spencer, that introduces the assignment to hook students in! Watch the preview video above to get a sneak peek of the video included and download the preview to get a closer look at the instructions, student planning sheet, graphic organizers, & teacher rubric. There is absolutely no prep required to implement this lesson/assignment!


How This Soundtrack of My Life Creative Writing Activity Works

  • Students watch a hand-drawn video that introduces the creative writing assignment to students to help them get ideas on how they might structure their mix-tape (lots of examples included). This video is highly engaging and will hook your students immediately.
  • Use the eye-catching PowerPoint presentation to introduce the assignment in more detail to your class and guide you through each element of the creative writing lesson and assignment.
  • Use the instructions, student planning sheet, graphic organizers, & teacher rubric to implement the writing lesson.


What's Included in This Soundtrack of My Life Creative Writing Activity:

➡️ Introductory Video: Use this short video (40 sec) to introduce this engaging creative writing assignment. The video is hand-drawn and will hook your students in before you begin the lesson.

➡️ Soundtrack of Your Life Teacher Instructions: The teacher instructions will guide you through each element of the lesson and assignment so you feel totally confident implementing this in your classroom.

➡️ Soundtrack of Your Life Teacher Presentation: Use the included PowerPoint slides to guide the lesson and as prompts for what students should do and in what order.

➡️ Song Lyrics Choices Pre-writing Planning Page: Students can use this page to plan out how they will structure and organize their playlist and which songs they will include.

➡️ Soundtrack of Your Life Good Copy Pages: Now students are ready to make their final choices for their songs to include. They will use these good copy pages to write the songs and reasons for their choices. There are also spaces for illustrations.

➡️ Teacher Rubric: Use the included rubric to grade student's work quickly and easily!


What Teachers Are Saying About This Soundtrack of My Life Creative Writing Activity:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Was a fun end of the year activity for my students when I had to leave for break early. They completed the activity with the sub and shared their playlists. We are now using them to help select songs for our class playlist.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My students loved creating their own soundtracks. It was very engaging, especially for something at the end of the year!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was very fun activity for my Creative Writing Class. Most students love music and they were totally engaged in this and it made for some interesting class interactions.


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© Presto Plans © John Spencer


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The videos and resources in this resource are for single-classroom use and are not to be uploaded to the Internet in any format without permission from the creators. Please contact if you require more information.