Valentine's Day Writing Activity – Cupid's Rant Digital Writing Assignment

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Valentine's Day Writing Activity – Cupid's Rant Digital Writing Assignment: The Cupid’s Rant Writing Activity is a fun and imaginative way to get your students practicing persuasive and creative writing with a Valentine’s Day twist! In this Valentine's Day digital writing activity, students will step into the role of Cupid—the overworked, underappreciated matchmaking expert—and write a humorous, passionate rant about the struggles of his job. With a detailed Google Slides presentation, guided digital pre-writing organizer, and engaging final draft templates, students will learn how to structure their arguments, build their case with vivid language, and add personality to their Valentine's Day rants.

This is a Google-compatible activity, and students complete all the work on a device. This works well with distance learning, 1:1 classrooms, remote teaching, Google Classroom, or for online education.

Included in the Valentine's Day Writing Activity - Cupid's Rant Digital Writing Assignment:

➡️ Cupid's Rant Writing Lesson Presentation: The 20-slide Google Slides introduces students to rant writing with a focus on common characteristics of a rant, writing structure, and more. It includes examples of complaints, guidance on creating a strong hook, tips for using descriptive and emotive language, and examples of effective rants.

➡️ Cupid's Rant Pre-Writing Digital Graphic Organizer: This digital pre-writing organizer helps students brainstorm their frustrations in categories like Hours, Working Conditions, Clients, Expectations, and more. Prompts guide students in organizing their ideas and developing strong points for their rants.

➡️ Cupid's Rant Good Copy Slide: After completing their pre-writing, students will draft their final Valentine's Day rants on this creative digital template.

➡️ Rubric for Cupid's Writing: Evaluate your students’ writing with the included digital rubric, which assesses grammar, content, organization, and tone.

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