A Day Without Technology Creative Classroom Assignment with Reflection Questions

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A Day Without Technology Reflection Assignment: Have your students explore and examine the role technology plays in their lives with this thought-provoking assignment. This assignment requires students to spend 24 hours without any entertainment or communication technology. This means no phones, no social media (Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, etc.), no television, no email, no radio, no music, no video games, no Internet, or anything other related form of technology. Students have one week to finish the assignment and can choose which 24 hours to complete the exercise. The assignment includes questions to complete before and after the 24 hours that will have them thinking deeply about their reliance on technology.

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Included In A Day Without Technology Reflection Assignment:

➡️ A Day Without Technology Assignment: Share these assignment pages with students that provide instructions and information to students that they will need to commit to a day without technology. The assignment also provides three pre-24-hour technology break questions to have students examine their reliance on technology, as well as 4 post-experiment questions, which ask students to consider the impact of the 24 hours. Students' answers can be used to generate really interesting class discussions!

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